Archive for the ‘SEO’ Category

After my last post about 404 Errors with .NET, I decided that I would post an alternate method to 404 Error-Handling. I mentioned last time that the solution was to create an HTTP module, but this is not always the best solution for every web site setup. When you create 301 Redirections, you need to keep in mind that the first error message that a Search Engine sees will dictate what it does with the page, within its index.

I’m going to copy some of the information from my last post, because some of it is still relevant.

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404 Errors with .NET

on September 21, 2008 | Filed Under SEO | No Comments »

I have had the opportunity to do some Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with the company I currently work for. One of the major problems we have been experiencing is that IIS 6 and ASP.NET 2.0 don’t handle 404 errors in a way, which you may expect them to.

The purpose of this article is to teach you how to use 301 Redirections when you’re creating 404 error pages.

As a side note, I want to mention that I’m not sure if this issue has been resolved in IIS 7 and/or ASP.NET 3.5

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